Develop natural and clean label gluten-free baked goods with the nutritious value, texture and taste that your customers are longing for
After several years of more and more gluten-free products hitting the store shelves, the demand for gluten-free products is still on the rise. Besides people diagnosed with gluten allergy, celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, gluten-free products are much sought after by the health conscious consumers who consider a gluten-free diet good for their health.
Today’s gluten-free baked goods must no longer just be edible, they must also be tasty, have the right texture and also be a source of good nutrition and preferably clean label. Alsiano offers a wide range of ingredients that will enable you to formulate the gluten-free baked goods that can meet consumers’ expectations.
From our suppliers BENEO, Limagrain Céréales Ingrédients, and Munari, we are able to provide a wide range of natural gluten-free flours, grains, starches and other ingredients for bakery applications. We offer the ingredients in various qualities such as heat-treated for achieving particular functionalities in the products and yet keeping them clean label, organically grown ingredients in addition to wholegrain flours and flours in different particle sizes.
Below is an except of our range of gluten-free flours, grains, etc. for bakery applications. Please contact us for more information on the specific ingredients and for assistance with product formulation.
Gluten-free flours and grains
- Amaranth flour
- Buckwheat flour
- Maize flour
- Oat flour
- Rice flour
- Rice brand & germ
- Millet flour
- Sorghum flour
- Quinoa flour
- Chickpea flour
- Fava bean flour
- Lentil flour
- Red bean flour
- Oats
- Quinoa