The broad range of ingredients of Limagrain Ingredients offers an array of opportunities to add colour and taste to your baked goods
Cereal and grain ingredients remain the natural Clean Label option to innovate and conceive star products!
For over 30 years, Limagrain Céréales Ingrédients has not only invested to create new cereal varieties but also developed its technological capability and cereal processing tools. Milling, grinding, heat treatment, formulation, mixture and toasting processes allow LCI to develop the natural Taste & Colour ingredients of the future!
Depending on your needs, LCI offers a wide range of ingredients for all formulations and tastes:
Toasted ingredients
Toasted ingredients such as Nutricorn is a toasted maize germ, without oil removed, made from Limagrain Grain varieties. Its “hazelnut” taste makes it ideal to replace nuts for nutritionally denser products (fibre, magnesium, protein) but also for really original toppings! Toasted Brokenwheat is a broken toasted wheat with strong flavour and visual potential. Specific developments are also possible.
Pulse flours
Pulses are the new stars of our diet. Balanced and rich in proteins, they bring new and natural colour to formulations. The LCI range is stabilised and treated thermally for easy formulations, to reduce bitterness and increase shelf life. Different grades are available! Make your choice between Innosense Faba bean, Chickpea, Green lentil, Red bean and Yellow lentil.
Special flours
Special flours are able to change your products, with native flours (gluten-free maize flours and semolinas, barley, oats, rye, spelt, wheat…) as well as functional flours such as LimaLin Gold CL (yellow linseed flour naturally rich in omega 3), or concentrated sourdough flours (deligerme made from fermented and dehydrated fresh wheat germ or deliseigle made from rye) or masa flours to give a “TexMex” option or tasty sprinkling flours for pizza or breads.
Wholegrain flours & fibres
Stabilised wholegrain flours and fibres from buckwheat, barley, maize, oats, rye and wheat.
Toppings & inclusions
For topping and inclusions, consider seeds (buckwheat, blue poppy, brown or yellow linseed, millet, sesame, sunflower…), flakes (barley, malted wheat, oats, rye), Broken wheat (toasted or not) and Nuttimalt (malted broken wheat)