Plastics & Elastomers.

Plastics, elastomers, biopolymers and additives

Your Nordic plastics partner - high quality service and expert consultation

As a leading distributor, the Alsiano team aims to provide high-quality service and expert technical consultation to develop long term relationships with its customers.

Our co-operation with industry-leading producers across the world allows us to offer a full range of elastomers, thermoplastics, engineering plastics, biopolymers and additives, providing customers with the best solutions for their needs and applications.

The markets we serve









Check out our product list

Our product range includes a broad line of thermoplastics and engineering plastics, biopolymers, sustainable compounds and additives for various industries.

Browse through our product list and get an overview of the polymers and additives, we provide to the Nordic plastic industry.

Responsible sourcing.

Our approach to sourcing and procuring products

We cooperate preferentially with principals able to ensure that their operations minimise the impact on the environment as much as possible. Furthermore, our principals must be able to provide their employees with a safe and healthy workplace, treat them with dignitiy and respect and in compliance with human rights.

Alsiano is a member of Responsible Care, which is the chemicl industry’s global voluntary initiative under which companies work together to continuously improve their health, safety and environmental performance. Furthermore, Alsiano is a member of Nordisk Bioplastförening and fully commited to REACH.


Please call or email us for more info.

Magnus Steneby
Head of Nordic Sales
+46 768 662 239

Magnus Steneby, Head of Nordic Sales, Industrial Solutions, Alsiano


Can you imagine a world without plastic?


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