
3 - 6 March. Norges Varemesse, Lillestrøm

Meet us at SMAK 2020

Meet us at SMAK 2020

We have the pleasure of inviting you to our stand at SMAK 2020 where you can explore our ingredient solutions for bakery, beverage, confectionery, dairy and savoury applications.

Innovative solutions

Come by our stand and learn more about our innovative ingredient solutions, including a wide range of clean label and organic products, and about what we can do for you.

Tritordeum – Scandinavian grown

At SMAK, we also take the opportunity to introduce a new ingredient in our range: tritordeum from Agrasys. Our tritordeum is grown in Scandinavia and is low in gluten; it has a natural sweet taste and is high in fibre. Drop by our stand and taste our freshly baked bread with tritordeum – the sustainable, rich tasting cereal that combines the best from durum and barley.

We look forward to welcoming you at stand D05-35.

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