Our body is constantly invaded by pathogens such as viruses and bacteria. A strong and protective immune system is vital to prevent infections and diseases and get us well through it, if we catch something.
We have created a guide highlighting the most important well-researched nutrients that can contribute to keeping the human immune system in good balance to ensure the optimum conditions to respond to infections and diseases.
Our immune system consists of a complex collection of cells, processes and chemicals
that defends our body against pathogens. A well functioning immune system requires
balance and harmony. It is therefore very important to keep the immune system balanced to ensure a proper immune response.
There is evidence that supplements with certain vitamins, minerals and herbs can improve immune response and potentially protect against disease.
In our immune system nutrient guide, we will walk you through the minerals, vitamins and botanical extracts which, according to research, can assist in balancing and boosting the immune system.