Let prostate problems fly away with the right ingredient. ENOTprost® has proven strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities
Prostatic ailments are among the most common urologic problems in adult males. BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) is the third most frequent urologic diagnosis in men over 50, although prostatitis can also affect young people, especially sportsmen and cyclists. Prostatic ailments share inflammation and oxidative stress as risk factors and cause of chronicity.
ENOTprost® epilobium extract
Epilobium angustifolium L. (Onagraceae) is a well-known European plant traditionally used for prostatic ailments such as prostatitis and BPH. ENOTprost® from EPO Srl is a dry extract with a very rich phytocomplex containing more than 15 % of Oenothein B. It is a strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ingredient for innovative food supplements.

The metabolic profile of ENOTprost® was studied simulating the oro-gastroduodenal digestion and the gastro-resistant oral administration (duodenal digestion). In this latter case, the phytocomplex variety and chemical profile was very similar to the native extract. The digested extract still contained 20 compounds, among which there were organic acids, hydroxycinnamic acids and many flavonols. Moreover, miquelianin, the major flavonoid glycoside that only characterises the E. angustifolium species, was identified in the digested extract.
Strong anti-inflammatory activity
In vitro tests demonstrated that pre-treatment of prostatic cells with ENOTprost® followed by lipopolysaccharide induced inflammation, strongly reduces TNF-α production. TNF-α is one of the most important pro-inflammatory cytokines.

ENOTprost® enhances cellular antioxidant defence
In vitro tests demonstrated that treatment of prostatic cells with ENOTprost® enhances cellular antioxidant defences by increasing the level of SOD1. This enzyme is one of the most important endogenous antioxidant defence mechanisms.

About EPO Srl extracts
- Manufacturing process entirely made in Italy.
- Full traceability from the field to the final packaging
- Production chain checked at every step
- Accurate quantification of bioactive compounds by sophisticated analytical methods
- Compliance with EU legislation on Food and Food Supplements
- Botanical species certified by DNA barcoding analysis
- No harmful solvent used in the manufacturing process
- Pre-clinical studies proving the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities
1. Granica S et al. Phytochemistry, pharmacology and traditional uses of different Epilobium species (Onagraceae): A review. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 156, 316–346, 2014
2. Schepetkin IA et al. Therapeutic Potential of Polyphenols from Epilobium Angustifolium (Fireweed). Phytother Res, 30, 1287-1297, 2016
3. Vv.Aa. Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activities of a new E. angustifolium dry extract – unpublished data
4. Paulis G. Inflammatory mechanisms and oxidative stress in prostatitis: the possible role of antioxidant therapy. Res Rep Urol, 10, 75-87, 2018